Distinguishing Features – Leaves: 6 – 13 cm long; narrow, lance-shaped, with pointed tips, saw-toothed; colouration: dark green above and whitish to gray underneath. Bark: gray; rough, thick, deeply grooved. Branchlets: yellowish-green to brownish; slender, unbranched, drooping Flowers: borne on catkins 1 – 2.5 cm long; greenish; on the ends of short leafy twigs; appearing May and early June. Fruit: 1.5 mm long; light brown capsules; maturing early summer.
Native to China; introduced to Europe and North America as an ornamental; local from Quebec and Ontario south to mid-Atlantic States, west to California; but is quite common anywhere where moist soil conditions exist – gardens and parks.
This willow derives its name from the distinctive “weeping” (drooping) foliage.