Forest Management in Scandinavia

Sustainability and long-term thinking have been key concepts in Scandinavian forestry long before sustainability became a buzz word for environmentalists and politicians around the world. Scandinavian foresters have been working towards sustainable forestry for more than 100 years, although, if we are to be strictly honest, for many years the focus was on trees and … Read more

Willow Ptarmigan – Lagopus Lagopus

Distinguishing Features – Length: male 43 cm; weight: .56 kg; female: 40 cm; weight: .45 kg. Adult Male – summer: Bill black. Iris brown. Toes and claws dark brown, the edges of the latter yellowish-grey. Head and neck bright chestnut, the feathers on the back part of the latter and crown of the head barred … Read more

Eurasian Red Squirrel

Distinguishing Features – Sciurus vulgaris is considered to be one of the most physically variable mammals of the palearctic region, at least in physical appearance. The coat color of these squirrels varies from light-red to black on their heads and backs, and all, except those that have black coats, have white fur on their stomachs. … Read more

Norway Lemming – Lemmus Lemmus

Distinguishing Features – Length: 13 – 15 cm; Tail: 2 cm; stout bodies, thick fluffy fur, small ears, very short tails, and long claws. Habitat Tundra, grassy land of northern Scandinavia and western Russia. Diet Diet consists mainly of grass, little shrubs and above all, moss; also avaiable insects in summer. Notes The noticable marked … Read more