Eurasian Red Squirrel

Distinguishing Features – Sciurus vulgaris is considered to be one of the most physically variable mammals of the palearctic region, at least in physical appearance. The coat color of these squirrels varies from light-red to black on their heads and backs, and all, except those that have black coats, have white fur on their stomachs. … Read more

Red Squirrel – Tamiasciurus Hudsonicus

Distinguishing Features – Overall colouration, olivy-brown back and sides with blackish flecks; underside, greyish. Large, bushy tail, tawny coloured with blackish and buff highlights; eye, ringed in white, ears, tufted in red or black. Red Squirrel Size 28 – 34 cm (11 – 13.4 in) Habitat Widespread throughout Northwestern Ontario in various wooded environments; prefers … Read more