Distinguishing Features – Overall colouration, varied, from the most common gray tones to blacks and whites, to medium tones of cream, gray, brown and orange. Hair, bristly.

1.5 – 2 m (4.9 – 6.7 ft)
Widespread throughout Northwestern Ontario in a variety of habitats where a good supply of food is available.

The wolf is a carnivore and prefers mostly big game of the deer family (moose, white-tailed deer and caribou). It will also hunt smaller game (rabbits, ruffed grouse, beaver, muskrats and rodents even as small as mice, shrews and squirrels). It is not unusual for wolves to supplement their diet with berries, fruits and insects when game is not readily available.
Wolves are pack animals that travel, hunt and den together. They are also very territorial and compete with other packs for prime hunting areas. With the exception of man, the wolf is not subject to predation but its numbers are governed by the availability of large game.