Cyanocitta Cristata – Blue Jay

Distinguishing Features – Blue Jay is slightly larger than a robin. Blue back and head with black neckband; grey-white underneath with white-spotted wings and tail.

The Head is adorned with a characteristic blue crest. Male and female are indistinguishable but the female is slightly smaller.

  • Size – 28 – 32 cm
  • (11.25 – 12.75 in)


Mixed and deciduous stands and parklands around inhabited areas.


Most often in coniferous trees. Bulky nest consists of sticks, moss, lichens, grasses, and various soft items; lined with grass and feathers.

Eggs, usually 4 – 6; buff to greenish or bluish with small spots and brown or olive blotches. The incubation period is 17 – 18 days.


The Blue Jay is handsome, but noisy, mischievous, and inquisitive adding life to a forest at any time of the year, especially in winter when most other birds have moved south. Its raucous Jay, Jaycalls, and Too-wheedle, Too-wheedle whistles are heard all times of the year but is often noisiest in the autumn.

The Blue Jay is omnivorous with a diet of fruits, insects, grains, and acorns, but, unfortunately, sometimes the eggs and nestlings of other birds.

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